COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 10 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Dactylis glomerata orchard grass expansin Dac g 3 AAB42200.1 96 2007 VIEW
Parietaria officinalis weed lipid transfer protein Par o 1 AAB46819.1 25 2007 VIEW
Parietaria officinalis weed lipid transfer protein Par o 1 AAB46820.1 24 2007 VIEW
Alternaria alternata fungus unknown function Alt a 1 AAB47552.1 157 2007 VIEW
Alternaria alternata fungus ribosomal protein P2 Alt a 5 AAB48041.1 113 2007 VIEW
Vespula vulgaris wasp phospholipase A1 Ves v 1 AAB48072.1 336 2007 VIEW
Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass beta-expansin Cyn d 1 AAB50734.2 246 2010 VIEW
Myrmecia pilosula jumper ant pilosulin Myr p 1 AAB50883.1 112 2007 VIEW
Aedes aegypti yellow fever mosquito unknown function Aed a 3 AAB58417.1 253 2007 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite cysteine protease Der p 1 AAB60215.1 320 2012 VIEW
Aspergillus fumigatus fungus superoxide dismutase Asp f 6 AAB60779.1 221 2007 VIEW
Periplaneta americana American cockroach hemocyanin, arylphorin Per a 3 AAB62731.1 470 2007 VIEW
Solanum tuberosum potato cysteine protease inhibitor Sola t 3 AAB63099.1 186 2015 VIEW
Periplaneta americana American cockroach hemocyanin, arylphorin Per a 3 AAB63595.1 393 2007 VIEW
Solenopsis invicta red fire ant unknown function Sol i 3 AAB65434.1 234 2011 VIEW
Olea europaea olive unknown function Ole e 6 AAB66909.1 50 2011 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite tropomyosin Der p 10 AAB69424.1 284 2007 VIEW
Blattella germanica German cockroach glutathione S-transferase Bla g 5 AAB72147.1 200 2011 VIEW
Periplaneta americana American cockroach nitrile-specifier protein Per a 1 AAB82404.1 395 2007 VIEW
Musa acuminata banana beta-1,3-glucanase Mus a 5 AAB82772.2 340 2014 VIEW
Page 10 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total