COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 12 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Periplaneta americana American cockroach nitrile-specifier protein Per a 1 AAC34737.1 274 2007 VIEW
Malus domestica apple thaumatin-like Mal d 2 AAC36740.1 245 2015 VIEW
Aedes aegypti yellow fever mosquito apyrase Aed a 1 AAC37218.1 562 2007 VIEW
Felis catus cat uteroglobin Fel d 1 AAC37318.1 92 2007 VIEW
Panulirus stimpsoni lobster tropomyosin Pan s 1 AAC38996.1 274 2011 VIEW
Felis catus cat uteroglobin Fel d 1 AAC41616.1 109 2012 VIEW
Homarus americanus American lobster tropomyosin Hom a 1 AAC48287.1 284 2015 VIEW
Homarus americanus American lobster tropomyosin Hom a 1 AAC48288.1 284 2007 VIEW
Equus caballus horse lipocalin Equ c 1 AAC48691.1 187 2011 VIEW
Canis familiaris dog lipocalin Can f 1 AAC48794.1 174 2011 VIEW
Canis familiaris dog lipocalin Can f 2 AAC48795.1 180 2011 VIEW
Hevea brasiliensis Para rubber tree unknown function Hev b 5 AAC49447.1 151 2007 VIEW
Aspergillus fumigatus fungus unknown function Asp f 16 AAC61261.1 427 2020 VIEW
Crassostrea virginica Eastern oyster tropomyosin AAC61869.1 160 2007 VIEW
Arachis hypogaea peanut 11S globulin, cupin Ara h 3 AAC63045.1 507 2007 VIEW
Schistosoma japonicum parasitic worm unknown function AAC67308.1 191 2007 VIEW
Blomia tropicalis house dust mite fatty acid-binding protein Blo t 13 AAC80579.1 130 2007 VIEW
Euroglyphus maynei house dust mite NPC2-like Eur m 2 AAC82349.1 145 2011 VIEW
Euroglyphus maynei house dust mite NPC2-like Eur m 2 AAC82350.1 135 2007 VIEW
Euroglyphus maynei house dust mite cysteine protease Eur m 1 AAC82351.1 321 2007 VIEW
Page 12 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total