COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 137 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Glycine max soybean 7S globulin, vicilin, beta-conglycinin, partial Gly m 5 BAA74452.2 559 2015 VIEW
Nicotiana tabacum tobacco villin CAE17316.1 559 2007 VIEW
Oryza sativa rice 7S globulin, vicilin-like Q75GX9.1 562 2018 VIEW
Aedes aegypti yellow fever mosquito apyrase Aed a 1 P50635.2 562 2010 VIEW
Glycine max soybean 11S globulin, glycinin, cupin Gly m 6 CAA37044.1 562 2007 VIEW
Aedes aegypti yellow fever mosquito apyrase Aed a 1 AAC37218.1 562 2007 VIEW
Glycine max soybean 11S globulin, glycinin, cupin Gly m 6 CAA26478.1 562 2007 VIEW
Glycine max soybean 11S globulin, glycinin, cupin Gly m 6 BAA74953.1 563 2015 VIEW
Glycine soja soybean unknown function CAA60533.1 563 2007 VIEW
Staphylococcus aureus bacteria fibronectin-binding protein ADM53099.1 565 2020 VIEW
Fagopyrum esculentum buckwheat 13S globulin O23878.1 565 2009 VIEW
Schizophyllum commune mushroom glucoamylase Sch c 1 XP_003030591.1 576 2015 VIEW
Aedes aegypti yellow fever mosquito alpha-glucosidase Aed a 4 P13080.1 579 2018 VIEW
Macadamia integrifolia macadamia nut 11S globulin, cupin Mac i 2 XP_042518524.1 580 2024 VIEW
Lupinus angustifolius narrow-leaved blue lupine 7S globulin, vicilin, beta-conglutin Lup an 1 F5B8W1.1 580 2017 VIEW
Sesamum indicum sesame 7S globulin, vicilin-like Ses i 3 AAK15089.1 585 2007 VIEW
Canis familiaris dog serum albumin Can f 3 CAA76841.1 585 2007 VIEW
Lupinus angustifolius narrow-leaved blue lupine 7S globulin, vicilin, beta-conglutin Lup an 1 F5B8W2.1 590 2017 VIEW
Juglans regia English walnut 7S globulin, vicilin-like Jug r 2 AAF18269.1 593 2007 VIEW
Artemisia annua sweet wormwood galactose oxidase Art an 7 ARQ16437.1 594 2019 VIEW
Page 137 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total