COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 8 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Triticum aestivum wheat HMW glutenin Tri a 26 AAB02788.1 815 2007 VIEW
Aspergillus fumigatus fungus unknown function, partial Asp f 2 AAB07620.1 250 2007 VIEW
Glycine max soybean thiol protease AAB09252.1 379 2007 VIEW
Periplaneta americana American cockroach hemocyanin, arylphorin Per a 3 AAB09632.1 631 2007 VIEW
Arachis hypogaea peanut agglutinin AAB22817.1 273 2007 VIEW
Glycine max soybean trypsin-inhibitor AAB23464.1 216 2007 VIEW
Glycine max soybean trypsin-inhibitor AAB23482.1 203 2007 VIEW
Glycine max soybean trypsin-inhibitor AAB23483.1 204 2007 VIEW
Alnus glutinosa alder pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Aln g 1 AAB24432.1 160 2007 VIEW
Betula sp. birch unknown function, partial AAB25850.1 51 2007 VIEW
Betula sp. birch unknown function, partial AAB25851.1 51 2007 VIEW
Phalaris aquatica canary grass beta-expansin, partial AAB27445.1 20 2007 VIEW
Dermatophagoides farinae house dust mite chymotrypsin, serine protease Der f 6 AAB27594.1 20 2007 VIEW
Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass beta-expansin, partial Cyn d 1 AAB28566.1 25 2007 VIEW
Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass beta-expansin, partial Cyn d 1 AAB28567.1 38 2007 VIEW
Bos taurus cow beta-casein Bos d 11 AAB29137.1 224 2007 VIEW
Blattella germanica German cockroach unknown function, partial AAB29344.1 20 2007 VIEW
Blattella germanica German cockroach unknown function, partial AAB29345.1 25 2007 VIEW
Canis familiaris dog serum albumin Can f 3 AAB30434.1 265 2007 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite glutathione S-transferase Der p 8 AAB32224.1 219 2007 VIEW
Page 8 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total