COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 2 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Dactylis glomerata orchard grass expansin-like 2103117A 196 2007 VIEW
Lepidoglyphus destructor storage mite NPC2-like Lep d 2 2118249A 141 2007 VIEW
Lepidoglyphus destructor storage mite NPC2-like Lep d 2 2118249B 141 2007 VIEW
Phleum pratense common timothy beta-expansin Phl p 1 2118271A 262 2010 VIEW
Myrmecia pilosula jumper ant pilosulin Myr p 2 2206305A 75 2007 VIEW
Zea mays corn unknown function 2209273A 170 2007 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite cysteine protease Der p 1 2AS8_B 222 2007 VIEW
Musa acuminata banana beta-1,3-glucanase Mus a 5 2CYG_A 312 2007 VIEW
Zea mays corn beta-expansin Zea m 1 2HCZ_X 245 2008 VIEW
Blomia tropicalis house dust mite unknown function, group 5/21 mite allergen Blo t 5 2JMH_A 119 2009 VIEW
Olea europaea olive beta-1,3-glucanase, partial Ole e 9 2JON_A 101 2009 VIEW
Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle cyclophilin/peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Cat r 1 2MC9_A 178 2016 VIEW
Blomia tropicalis house dust mite chitin-binding protein, partial Blo t 12 2MFK_A 69 2016 VIEW
Argas reflexus European pigeon tick lipocalin Arg r 1 2X45_A 144 2012 VIEW
Ascaris suum parasitic roundworm unknown function, partial Asc s 1 2XV9_A 134 2012 VIEW
Arachis hypogaea peanut 11S globulin, cupin Ara h 3 3C3V_A 510 2010 VIEW
Phleum pratense common timothy expansin Phl p 3 3FT1_A 100 2011 VIEW
Blattella germanica German cockroach inactive aspartic protease Bla g 2 3LIZ_A 334 2012 VIEW
Cicer arietinum chickpea lectin 3S18_B 227 2018 VIEW
Arachis hypogaea peanut 7S globulin, vicilin, partial Ara h 1 3S7E_A 418 2013 VIEW
Page 2 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total