COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 3 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Phleum pratense common timothy berberine bridge enzyme Phl p 4 3TSH_A 500 2014 VIEW
Alternaria alternata fungus unknown function Alt a 1 3V0R_A 133 2013 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Bet v 1 4BK6_B 159 2015 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Bet v 1 4BK7_A 159 2015 VIEW
Fragaria x ananassa strawberry pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Fra a 1 4C9C_B 162 2015 VIEW
Actinidia deliciosa green kiwifruit kiwellin, partial Act d 5 4X9U_A 189 2017 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite peritrophin Der p 23 4ZCE_A 50 2018 VIEW
Carya illinoinensis pecan 7S globulin, vicilin-like Car i 2 5E1R_A 426 2018 VIEW
Artemisia vulgaris mugwort profilin Art v 4 5EM0_A 135 2018 VIEW
Ambrosia artemisiifolia short ragweed profilin Amb a 8 5EM1_A 135 2018 VIEW
Ambrosia artemisiifolia short ragweed profilin Amb a 8 5EV0_A 134 2018 VIEW
Canis familiaris dog lipocalin Can f 6 5X7Y_A 177 2019 VIEW
Pisum sativum pea lipid transfer protein Pis s 3 A0A161AT60.1 120 2018 VIEW
Daucus carota carrot pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Dau c 1 A0A161X1M2 155 2022 VIEW
Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig lipocalin Cav p 1 A0A484HRI4 166 2022 VIEW
Chionoecetes opilio snow crab tropomyosin A2V735.1 284 2012 VIEW
Polybia paulista wasp phospholipase A1 Poly p 1 A2VBC4.1 322 2009 VIEW
Olea europaea olive Ole e 1-like Ole e 1 A38968 137 2007 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like, partial Bet v 1 A45786 51 2007 VIEW
Olea europaea olive profilin Ole e 2 A4GFC0.1 131 2015 VIEW
Page 3 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total