COMPARE Database

*COMPARE 2025 DB Release Date: 01/27/2025*
The COMPARE DB search function performs a literal text search on the fields below.
Bioinformatics utility for identification of protein sequence alignments with the COMPARE database.
Page 1 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total
Species Common Name Description IUIS Name Accession Length Year Adopted  
Protobothrops flavoviridis pit-viper metalloprotease 1510259A 201 2018 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite NPC2-like Der p 2 1A9V_A 129 2009 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Bet v 1 1B6F_A 159 2009 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch profilin Bet v 2 1CQA_A 133 2009 VIEW
Staphylococcus aureus bacteria enterotoxin 1ESF_B 233 2009 VIEW
Hevea brasiliensis Para rubber tree profilin Hev b 8 1G5U_A 131 2007 VIEW
Prunus avium cherry pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Pru av 1 1H2O_A 159 2009 VIEW
Gallus gallus chicken ovalbumin Gal d 2 1JTI_A 385 2007 VIEW
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus house dust mite NPC2-like Der p 2 1KTJ_A 129 2007 VIEW
Phleum pratense common timothy unknown function, partial Phl p 5 1L3P_A 102 2007 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Bet v 1 1LLT_A 159 2007 VIEW
Phleum pratense common timothy unknown function Phl p 6 1NLX_N 111 2007 VIEW
Betula pendula European white birch pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like Bet v 1 1QMR_A 159 2007 VIEW
Vespula vulgaris wasp unknown function, antigen 5 Ves v 5 1QNX_A 209 2007 VIEW
Arachis hypogaea peanut 2S albumin, conglutin Ara h 6 1W2Q_A 127 2009 VIEW
Hevea brasiliensis Para rubber tree hevein, partial Hev b 6 1WKX_A 43 2007 VIEW
Blattella germanica German cockroach inactive aspartic protease Bla g 2 1YG9_A 330 2007 VIEW
Musa acuminata banana thaumatin-like Mus a 4 1Z3Q_A 200 2007 VIEW
Parietaria judaica pellitory lipid transfer protein Par j 1 2008179A 143 2007 VIEW
Phleum pratense common timothy unknown function Phl p 5 2023228A 285 2007 VIEW
Page 1 of 142, showing 20 record(s) out of 2,836 total